About Me

I’m a volunteer of Spiritual Science Research Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to spiritual research and helping people apply principles of the all-encompassing spiritual science in their daily life. I am here to bring you the best information in Spirituality on ancestors, ancestral problems and their solutions. You can wander over to the site for more information on other topics such as spiritual causes of difficulties in life, spiritual research into physical and mental health, case studies, destiny, spiritual healing etc.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Do Ancestors Hold Us Back?

How much do ancestors influence your life? Does their memory inspire or scare you? Do you have ancestral duties yourself? Are your antecedents holding you back? Or giving you spiritual guidance? - these were questions posed by BBC News to its public a couple of years ago.

Here are some of the comments they received:

Our ancestors can help us or hold us back, depending on whether they are good or bad ancestors. A good ancestor lived a good life while on earth. The good spirits of our good ancestors hang around to help us. Our role is to be prayerful for our bad ancestors, so that their bad spirits can be liberated.
Ola, USA

What an absolutely ridiculous question. Ancestors are the progenitors who have brought us forward and as such they must be revered. This makes more logical sense than worshipping Jesus - a Nazarene who was nailed to a cross. I know my ancestors and I give thanks to them every day for my health, my intelligence and my compassion. Ancestor worship in Africa will never disappear.
George Dash, Canada

Ancestors influence our lives. The question is whether they influence our lives for good or for bad. I do not believe in worshipping our ancestors or seeking spiritual guidance from them, simply because I serve a living ‘God’ and not an ancestral non-living god. The choice is ours today.
Sam Imevbore, Coventry, UK

What do you think? Write and give us your comments

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